Saturday, December 3, 2011

How To be knowledgeable!

You know friends... there is no tips and trics and magic to becoming a knowledgeable. Knowledge is the accumulation of facts, information, skills, and the ability to recall and use these resources. Here are some suggestions on increasing your own mental wealth of information.

1. Use your time with learning in mind.
                                               An hour spent on a computer may expand your knowledge of an online  game, or allow you to experience cultures and events which otherwise you might not know existed.

2. Visit the library.
                                               It may seem like an outdated notion, but libraries are a tremendous source of knowledge, and provide an atmosphere which should be conducive to study and learning.
3.  Keep an open mind. 
                                               When you are convinced you know something, and allow preconceived notions to block your ability to view ideas or topics in a fresh light, you limit your ability to learn. If great scientists had not questioned conventional knowledge, we would still live in a flat world at the center of the universe.
4.  Talk to people who are versed in a variety of topics.
                                               This might mean a computer geek at school, if you want to learn about computers, or a person you have randomly met who has credentials in a subject that interests you.
5.   Ask questions, then listen to the answer.
                                               If you are in doubt, keep mental notes, and check other sources. There are people who will "create" facts to impress you, or to "pull your leg".
6.   Think about unconventional ideas and information.
7.   Study the world from your own unique perspective.
8.   Get out of your own comfort zone.
9.   Keep journals or notes of interesting facts to expand upon them or refresh your memory of them.
10. Look at a broad spectrum of information.
11. Spend time in front of the television at educational channels
                                              or specialized channels that interest you, like Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, or home improvement, craft, or cooking channels.
12. Choose hobbies, and suggest that family and friends
                                              give you holiday and birthday gifts with educational value.
13. Look at the world around you every day with a critical, and observant eye.
14. Experiment.
15. Read the newspaper, magazines, and periodicals.

Some Quick fact about Our GLACIER

•Presently, 10% of land area is covered with glaciers.
•Glaciers store about 75% of the world's freshwater.
•Glacierized areas cover over 15,000,000 square kilometers.
•Antarctic ice is over 4,200 meters thick in some areas.
•In the United States, glaciers cover over 75,000 square kilometers, with most of the glaciers located in Alaska.
•During the last Ice Age, glaciers covered 32% of the total land area.
•If all land ice melted, sea level would rise approximately 70 meters worldwide.
•Glacier ice crystals can grow to be as large as baseballs.
•The land underneath parts of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet may be up to 2.5 kilometers below sea level, due to the weight of the ice.
•North America's longest glacier is the Bering Glacier in Alaska, measuring 204 kilometers long.
•Glacial ice often appears blue when it has become very dense. Years of compression gradually make the ice denser over time, forcing out the tiny air pockets between crystals. When glacier ice becomes extremely dense, the ice absorbs all other colors in the spectrum and reflects primarily blue, which is what we see. When glacier ice is white, that usually means that there are many tiny air bubbles still in the ice.
•The Kutiah Glacier in Pakistan holds the record for the fastest glacial surge. In 1953, it raced more than 12 kilometers in three months, averaging about 112 meters per day.
•In Washington state alone, glaciers provide 470 billion gallons of water each summer.
•Antarctic ice shelves may calve icebergs that are over 80 kilometers long.
•Almost 90% of an iceberg is below water--only about 10% shows above water.
•The Antarctic ice sheet has been in existence for at least 40 million years.
•From the 17th century to the late 19th century, the world experienced a "Little Ice Age," when temperatures were consistently cool enough for significant glacier advances.

Do You Know That!

Malaspina Glacier in Alaska is the world's largest piedmont glacier. The glacier's massive lobe is clearly visible in this aerial photograph taken by Austin Post in 1959. (Austin S. Post photograph at the World Data Center for Glaciology, Univesity of Colorado, Boulder.)

Monday, November 28, 2011

What is Blu-ray Disc?

Blue-ray or simply BD is an optical disc storage media format. Some main uses of this blu-ray disc are storage of High definition video and huge amount of data storage. The dimensions are the same as of the standard DVD or CD. It is derived from the blue laser that is used to read or write discs.

The 405mm shorter wave length allows it to store more data than DVD format that used 650 mm red laser. The capacity of a 50GB dual blue-ray is six times greater than DVD dual layer.

Computer hardware and motion picture production developed the blue-ray disc. In USA since July 2, 2008, More than 650 commercial films have been released and some 410 titles have been released in Japan.

There was a competition of HD DVD and Blu-ray disc during the high definition optical disc format war but eventually Toshiba announced to no longer manufacture the HD DVD, and the decision was followed by all those who supported HD DVD.

HDTV began to appear in the consumer market but there was no commonly accepted and rather cheap way to play or record the HD content except JV’s digital VHS and Sony’s HDCAM but it was considered that a higher storage density will be enabled by a laser with a shorter length when the blue-ray diodes were invented by Shuji Nakamura, but the commercial introduction was delayed due to some legal reasons.

Two new projects were started by Sony applying UDO and BVR. This was format of rewritable disc which would eventually become the Blu-ray disc. For the protection the earlier discs were packaged in the plastic cartridges because they were very endangered by the contamination and the scratches.

It was in February 2003 when the project was finally announced the Blu-ray disc association founded by nine initial members. April 10 2003 was the first day for consumer’s devices to be brought to stores. It was named the Sony BDZ-S77 and the first recorder BD_RE was a Japanese made device and was only available in Japan.

The price recommended was the US $ 3800 but then there was a lack of the more secure DRM system which was much needed by the pre-recorded videos and the movies and was only available in Japan.

Interesting Fun Human Body Facts and don't forget to share and rate your favorites!

  1. A person swallows approximately 295 times while eating dinner.
  2. A sneeze can travel as fast as 100 miles per hour.
  3. About 400 different kinds of microbes(jivanu) live on and in the human body.
  4. According to studies, men change their minds two to three times more often than women.
  5. All babies are color blind when they are born.
  6. All Humans Are 99.9% Genetically Identical and 98.4% of human genes are the same as the genes of a chimpanzee.
  7. At age 70, more than 70 percent of men are still potent (powerful)!
  8. Babies are born without knee caps.
  9. Babies start dreaming even before they're born.
  10. Babies' eyes do not produce tears until the baby is approximately six to eight weeks old.
  11. Blue eyes are the most sensitive to light, dark brown the least sensitive.
  12. By the age of 60, most people have lost 50% of their taste buds.
  13. Deep Breathing gives you health benefits similarto aerobics.
  14. During a typical human life span, the human heart will beat approximately 2.5 billion times.
  15. During his or her lifetime, the average human will grow 590 miles of hair.
  16. Every hour one billion cells in the body must be replaced.
  17. Every three seconds, a new baby is born.
  18. Females learn to talk earlier, use sentences earlier, and learn to read more quickly than males.
  19. Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!
  20. Gardening is said to be one of the best exercises for maintaining healthy bones.
  21. Girls have more tastebuds than boys.
  22. Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks!
  23. Humans blink over 10,000,000 times a year!
  24. If you?re over 100 years old, there?s an 80% chance you?re a woman.
  25. If your skin is laid flat it will cover an area of 18 square feet.
  26. In one day an average person will take about 18,000 steps.
  27. In the average lifetime a person will breath in about 44 pounds of dust.
  28. Ingrown toenails are hereditary.
  29. It takes 17 muscles to smile, 43 to frown.
  30. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different!
  31. Medical studies show that intelligent people have more copper and zinc in their hair.
  32. Most dreams last only 5 to 20 minutes.
  33. One quarter of the human brain is used to control the eyes.
  34. People with blue eyes are better able to see in the dark.
  35. Take your height and divide by eight. That?s how ?tall? your head is.
  36. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
  37. The heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood during an average lifetime!
  38. The right lung takes in more air than the left.
  39. The smallest bone in the human body is the stapes or stirrup bone located in the middle ear.
  40. The storage capacity of human brain exceeds 4 Terrabytes.
  41. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body.
  42. There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
  43. Up to the age of six or seven months a child can breathe and swallow at the same time. An adult cannot do this.
  44. When you walk down a steep hill, the pressure on your knees is equal to three times your body weight.
  45. Womens' hearts beat faster than mens'.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Art Of Creative Photography In 30 Examples

Creativity is exist everywhere, you just have to find it in you and in your friends...This is really a very awesome pic just have a look.. frnds.. and post if you like it

Some Interesting photos

Its nice frnd

An APPEAL FOR A "STRICTER LAW AGAINST RAPE" Big news from gujrat. this is shared by more then 1500 people in facebook

An Appeal for Strict Law Against Rape.. {Please Share this & Spread the Message }
The following Story would Shake your Soul....

This is Asma, a 14-yr old girl from Malvani, Malad, Mumbai..
She was kidnapped from her locality by 5 men living in the same locality
in the month of May 2011.She was in captivity in the same area.
A complaint was made to police but of no use.

This 14 yr old girl was raped innumerable times by those 5 men.
After 2-3 months they lost interest in her..
Now the question was "WHo WILL SPEND MONEY FOR HER FOOD ???"
They started putting it on each other.

Result : She was given 1 vada-pav in 4-5 days.
After 5 months, she was found in garden.She was a bag of bones when she was found.
When she was operated, doctors found pieces of paper,mud, soil,stones in her stomach.
According to doctors, because of hunger she ate up the paper in which the vada-pav was
given.Her situation was so bad, she ate up stones, dress, & soil....
The doctors were unable to explain her situation.
After suffering for more than 5 months,
she finally breathed her last on 14 Nov 2011 (Children's Day).

You might have heard many stories wherein people are slaughtered & raped...
But imagine a 14 yr old girl being raped innumerable times &
she died every moment for more than 150 days...EVERY MOMENT......

We cant even imagine it.........
This is one of the most horrific incidents that has happend to any human.
You won't see this news on any television, may be because of political pressure it is being suppressed.

I would like to make two request with this:

1. The 5 men who are absconding now, should be caught & punished severely.

Please Share this & Spread the Message !!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011


(1). World Internet User Statistics were updated for June 30, 2011.
(2). Additional data for individual countries and regions may be found by clicking each country name.
(3). The most recent user information comes from data published by Nielsen Online, International Telecommunications Union, Official country reports, and other trustworthy research sourcesInternet World Stats

18 Interesting Firsts on the Internet

India to have third larget country of internet user that  has become a necessity of our lives especially for student and working class. But most of the Internet users do not know the history of Internet or many Internet services they use daily.
The purpose of this article is to increase your knowledge about what were the first different things happened in Internet World. Below are the 18 “firsts” of the Internet. This is quite an interesting study.

1. The First Email

In 1971, Ray Tomlinson sent first email and also made use of @ symbol in email addresses. Same systems were available even before (early 60s) but they were only used it to exchange messages on mainframe computer. The current shape of email emerged in 1970s. It is to be noted that Internet didn’t even exist at that time but its ancestor, ARPANET did.

2. The First Ever Domain Name

Computer manufacturer Symbolics (now obsolete) on 15th March 1985 registered the first ever domain name that was “”. and were registered in 1983 and 1984 respectively but using old domain system. was registered using the current/new domain system.

3. The First SPAM Email Ever

Gary Thuerk is considered the first email spammer who sent spam email messages to 393 people on ARPANET on 3rd May 1978. Gary Thuerk advertised a new model of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) computers in that spam email.

4. The First Ever Mobile Phone with Internet Access Facility

Nokia 9000 Communicator (launched in 1996, Finland) is the first ever mobile phone with Internet Access. However, NTT DoCOMo i-Mode (1999) in Japan is considered the pioneer of Cell Phone Internet Services

5. The First Ever Website which was launched in late 1990 is the first even website which ran on a NeXT computer at CERN. was the first ever webpage which contained information about the World Wide Web Project. This page is no longer accessible.

6. The First Ever E-Commerce Website and Transaction

The first e-commerce site was neither the giant eBay nor Amazon. NetMarket (Online Retailer) claim to process first ever secure transaction on the web on August 11, 1994 when they sold a copy of Sting CD Ten Summoner’s Tales for $12.48 + shipping.

7. The First Ever Online Bank

Stanford Federal Credit Union is considered the first financial institution that provided Online Internet Banking services to all of its customers in October, 1994.

8. The First Ever Search Engine

It’s neither Google nor Yahoo. was the first Search Engine which was launched in 1994. Unlike the previous Search Engines, WebCrawler was first full-text web SE.

9. The First Ever Blog

Justin Hall is considered the first blogger who started a web diary in 1994. The term webblog was introduced in 1997 which later led to “blog” in 1999.

10. The First Ever Podcast

Dave Winer added functionality to add references to audio content inside the RSS feeds, which made syndication of audioblogging possible. Winer on January 11, 2001 demonstrated this new RSS functionality by putting a Grateful Dead song in his Scripting News blog.

11. The First Item Ever Sold on eBay

A broken laser pointer worth $14.83 was first ever sale on eBay, previously callsed AuctionWeb in 1995. The buyer was a collector of broken laser pointers.

12. The First Book Ever Sold on Amazon

The first book sold on (1995) was Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought by Douglas Hofstadter.

13. The first edit on Wikipedia

Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder was the first one to edit on Wikipedia. It was a test edit with text “Hello, World!”

14. The First Ever Video on YouTube

The first video on YouTube was put by the the cofounder of YouTube Jawed Karim on April 23, 2005. The title of the video is “Me at the Zoo” and can still be found on YouTube with over 1.5 million views.

15. The First Ever Message on Twitter

Again, the first recorded message on twitter was by the Think Tank of Twitter, Jack Dorsey on 21st March 2006. It was a demonstration message with text “just setting up my twttr”. Twttr was not a typo; initially twitter was referred as “twttr”.

16. The First Ever Voice Chat Service

Rocket Messenger and AOL are considered the pioneers of Voice Chat service. Later followed by Paltalk which experience a phenomenal success. Yahoo became the mostly used voice chat service later on as it provided many unique features to the users i.e. individual voice chat, conference calling, chat room, etc..

17. The First Ever Website Hacked

In 1990, Hackers broke into and spoiled federal websites that included US Department of Justic, U.S. Air Force, CIA, NASA and some others.

18. The First Ever Social Network Site is the first Social Network website of modern days which was launched in 2002. MySpace was introduced by two friends a year later and it was a tremendous and quick hit.

Edit: Friends Reunited ( ) launched in July 2000 was first ever Social Networking Site. Thank you Alec East for the contribution and correction.

There must be a lot of other things, I have missed but you are welcome to make any additions you want. If you find some information incorrect, just let me know. Thank you

Top 5 Most Common Windows Error Messages and Their Solutions

IT professionals spend much of their time looking for solutions to fix several Windows errors. We have compiled a list of five most commonly occurring Windows error messages and ways to fix them. Hope this will help you to some an extent.

1. The connection was denied

Windows 2008 and 2003 server users normally get this error, when they try to log in to remote desktop. The error message usually appeared as “The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login.”

Fix: While setting up Windows 2008 and 2003 Servers, you are required to add remote desktop users group to the same dialogue as you would on Windows Workstation. What you need to do is navigate to Control Panel and search for System. Under ‘System Properties’ you will find ‘Remote’ tab. Click on ‘users’ you want to add in the desktop users group to allow them to have smooth access to remote desktop. You can add individual users as well.

If the error persists, make certain that the Terminal Server licensing is properly configured. If it is not configured, set the licensing mode and start over the workstation.

2. There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request

When a user tries to connect one system to another, he/she often gets this error.

Fix: This can be resolved be restarting the system or reconnecting the network cables in some lucky cases. However, you can also have some success by switching Simple File Sharing off. For doing this, go to: Control Panel -> Tools -> Folder Options. After move down on the window and uncheck ‘Use Simple File Sharing’.

If the above method doesn’t work for you, make sure that the DNS is properly configured on host and server. Also, date and time should be the same on both the host and the server. Rejoining the domain can sometime also fix the problem.

3. The action can’t be completed because the file is open in Windows Explorer

This error prohibits you from deleting, moving, or copying files from Windows Explorer. The users normally get this error because the file is already running in the background.

Fix: First of all, you need to find out what program has the said file and close it. You can opt for Process Explorer v 15.05 – a free tool to see which handles and DLLs processes are running so that you can close them manually. If you don’t want to use this tool, then simply restart your system in safe-mode. This will close the file and you can easily delete it.

4. Stop error 7B
This error is normally associated with hard drives on the Windows XP. This sort of errors usually prompts users with a message saying, “a problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.” It is normally there because of a missing essential component such as the IDE controller.

Fix: If you receive this error, the first thing that you need to do is to look for components including IDE controller, the primary and secondary IDE Channel component and a disk drive component, in your configuration. In case your configuration is based on Target Analyzer .pmq file, you have to confirm that the run-time image is properly installed on your system. You can also opt for booting from the diagnostic CD (make sure that hard drive is connected).

Furthermore, you can try resetting all BIOS/CMOS settings and restart the system. Next, enter BIOS/CMOS settings and don’t forget to disable ‘boot from LAN’ option. Shift the ‘boot from CD/DVD to the top of the list, while move the ‘boot from HD’ to the bottom. Once again restart the system and install a fresh copy of Windows XP.

5. Invalid Win32 application

This error can be caused because of number of different reasons. Users normally get this error when they are trying to launch a program or file, which is corrupt, bad or missing, or designed for different version of Windows. The same error also occurs when you try to open 64-bit program on a 32-bit Windows machine.

Fix: If you receive the error while launching a downloaded file, make certain that the downloaded file is compatible with your version of Windows. Also, make sure that the downloaded file is not corrupt. Try to download it from any other available source.

If you are getting this error while clicking on a program shortcut, make certain that the program is properly installed on your system. Also, make certain that the program name doesn’t coincide with the directory name that keeps the program. You can also try installing the program in any other directory. Keep all your drivers up-to-date to prevent hardware compatibility issues.

If the problem arises because of mismatch of a 64-bit program on a 32-bit machine, then look for 32-bit program for your system.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Top 10 Coolest Free And Easy Webdesigh Gererators


There are loads of generators out there offering background tiles, website title images, logos and other design-related solutions.
Today I had some time browsing around and came across a couple of them that were actually pretty good. Which is why I used one of them myself and thought I’d just list it right here!


Just small useful tool to create patterns.
Experiment with pictures, colors, textures and transparency to get best result
Just small useful tool to create patterns. Experiment with pictures, colors, textures and transparency to get best result.
Small and useful indeed! BgPatterns offers trendy background patterns for your website and you can even log in to save and share your custom patterns.
BgPatterns: LINK

2. TartanMaker

Tartan Maker – the new trendsetting application for cool designers
Another background tile creator, but with a whole different style. You can adjust a range of settings like yarn size and 3 band colours and sizes. An easy download button directly offers the file in a cool PNG format.
TartanMaker: LINK

3. Web 2.0 Badges

Web20Badges is a set of free and very cool web badges.
They are probably one of the most popular trend in Web 2.0 time. It’s most over-used trendy little design technique in our days, they immediately attract visitor’s attention. Web badges have various round or square corners and eye-catchy colours.
Well that about sums it up..
Web 2.0 Badges: LINK

4. RoundedCrnr

Generate HTML/CSS code and images for rounded corners.
Don’t be fooled by the hideous choice of colours on their website: this is a very nifty tool for not only creating the CSS required to see rounded corners on your website, but also the image files in the colour of your choice! E-Z!
RoundedCrnr: LINK
5. CSS Generator V2
Choose column numbers, width and colours for your site then generates the valid html and css files to be used as a template for each page.
CSS Generator: LINK
6. CSS Tab Designer 
CSS Tab Designer is a unique and easy to use software to help you design css-based lists and tabs visually and without any programming knowledge required!
This is actually a downloadable application instead of a browser-based tool. It helps you out creating those nifty horizontal menus or let’s you create your very own tabbed navigation panel. Wicked!
CSS Tab Designer: LINK

7. Stripemania

Stripemania is a simple and free web 2.0 tool to create seamless diagonal stripes for your designs. You are able to choose the size of the stripes and the spacing between those. You can even add color gradient effect for all of your stripes.
Feel free to play with it. You are allowed to use the created image for whatever you would like to.
It’s another pattern generator, but just based on vertical, horizontal or diagonal stripes. Their site looks great, I must say.

8. doTemplate

There are thousands of web template catalogs on the Internet but none propose a way to bring a personal touch. doTemplate is different. doTemplate is a web template builder. It offers a range of website themes you can personalize online before downloading. Try it, it’s easy and free!
This site let’s pick, customize and download your future website in a bite-size chunk, ready for use!

9. ReflectionMaker

A little tool for all your reflection needs!
This wicked image-reflection-maker is created by the same people who made the TartanMaker and it works like a charm. Really cool for giving your site that extra depth.

10. 3D Box Maker (3d Package Online)

Selling something online? Digitally wrap it in a professional 3D box!

Here’s a small video to show you what it actually is and how easy it works:

Top 5 Most Powerful Smart Phones That Will Give Laptops A Run For Their Money






1. HTC edge

The HTC edge is going to be a game changer. Expected to launch early next year, the HTC Edge is one of the 1st quad Core mobile phones to ship to our lands. With a top clocked speed of 1.5 GHz, this is going to be one freaking beast of a device. While dual core phones are highly capable of running all the Android goodies with speed to spare, the Quad core will make sure that even the most demanding tasks will run at blazing speeds. Coupled with a hefty 1GB of RAM, it will be a huge sigh of relief for all android users who have to continuously shuffle between apps and the task killer to save some RAM. Slowdowns? Forget about them. Also bundled with the HTC Edge is a snappy 8MP sensor for full HD video recording and high quality snaps from your holidays or office parties. The 4.7 inch 720p capable screen will take every one’s breath away while you surf and email with crisp texts or watch videos on it.

2. Motorola Atrix 2

Everyone in the tech world agreed upon this. The original Atrix from Motorola was ahead of its time. It was futuristic and had accessories which didn’t make sense, back then. A little forward in time and everyone now understands what the Atrix buzz was all about. And just 10 months later of the launch of the Original Atrix, we have the brand new Atrix 2 in our hands. The Atrix 2 is powered by a Dual-core 1GHz ARM Cortex-A9 processor which may have the same GHz as of the original Atrix but performs faster, and comes with a sleek and large 540 x 960 pixels, 4.3 inches screen with a scratch resistant Gorilla glass display. This one also comes with a simplified version of MotoBLUR UI which is less resource consuming, and has a longer battery life due to optimizations. Just like the original Atrix, this one also works with the new LapDock 100 which supports more devices (unlike the Atrix). Being a 4G device, the Atrix will be pleasure to use whether watching videos on it or browsing the net at blazing speeds.

3. iPhone 4s

The iPhone 4S is basically an updated version of the iPhone 4. The processor has been upgraded to a dual core and the dual antennas have been smartly positioned and they are capable of intelligently switching between the 2 to resolve those death grip issue with the iPhone 4. The iOS is a major upgrade to the phone software and contains tons of new features, which makes for a smooth and joyful user experience. The 8MP camera has a custom new sensor capable of fantastic low light photography. The best feature is the voice assistant SIRI, which is officially specific to the 4S. Siri essentially listens and responds to your commands, and replies with a built in answer or look for solution online. The Siri also reads your texts, launches most of your apps, and searches for iPhone for documents and files. Factor in the iCloud and iMessage services, the magnificent Retina Display, and the legendary App Store and you are good to go for anything and everything.

4. Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S

By far the most desirable and most beautiful phone of 2011, the Xperia Arc is already getting an update. The Xperia Arc S, to be precise. The Arc was a beautiful phone with a sleek inward curvature on the back and an esthetic build that oozed quality. The Arc S has all that sophistication and much more and comes in a black and a white offering. The white version is to die for, and is less prone to finger prints smudges. It ships out of the box with the android 2.3.4 which is a treat. It has a 3D panorama mode just like its high end Cybershot brethren. It comes with a beefy 1.4GHz processor which may not be a dual core but frankly there is hardly anything out there that could overload it. The 4.2 inch screen is a gem, as the Reality display powered by the Bravia engine produces one of the best blacks and color saturation results. The pictures from its 8.1 MP camera will look stunning on the display and the 3D panorama can be displayed in full glory on capable large LCD TVs.

5. Samsung Galaxy S2

The force is strong with this one. This phone is the flagship for Samsung and judging from its sales figures and demand, it might be so for a much longer time. This Samsung Galaxy S2 is a powerful and phone with a gorgeous Super AMOLED Plus capacitive screen. Displaying 480×800 pixels on a 4.3 inches display, the phone produces some of the best colors and screen quality ever. It has a lightning-fast dual core 1.2 GHz processor to run the android 2.3.3 with ease and a powerful 8MP camera with LED flash. The camera produces some of the best color details and low light photos are comparable to the iPhone 4S. It is one of the slimmest and lightest smart phones in the market with hundreds of new features. The internal 16GB/32GB storage (depending upon the model) will serve any multimedia needs and the 1 GB RAM makes sure that people will be multitasking without slowdowns. The Galaxy S2 sold well and broke previous sales records for such an expensive device and continues to sell worldwide. This is one phone that definitely will not warrant an upgrade after 6 months. It will be very interesting to see if Samsung can top this.

So, those were the five phones, which are powerful enough to be a substitute of average PC’s out there.

10 Herbal Plants That You Cn Grow In Your Home Garden

There are several herbal plants you can grow in your home garden, of both types. Here are 10 such plants; some of them have nutritional values, while others have both nutritional and medicinal values.

1. Rosemary

Rosemary – the perfect complement to your steak, a wonderful ornamental plant and a great culinary seasoning. To grow rosemary, buy a nursery grown plant instead of germinating from seed level, for better success. Or snip a 2 inch cutting from the new growth of a mature plant and plant it. Keep it away from direct sunlight and give it a daily misting. Rosemary stimulates the brain and increases cognitive functions.

2. Basil

This wonderful herb is fragrant and comes in several types, such as lemon basil, Thai basil and so on. Of these, Holy Basil is used mostly for medicinal purposes; it is antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial. You can grow basil from a sapling in a pot, or buy a nursery plant of this herb. Basil needs a sunny location. You can grow it in well drained pots. Don’t water these plants too much. A late spring frost can ruin this delicate plant.

3. Mint

People use mint in seasonings, to make chutneys and dressings and so on. The menthol in mint cools your digestive system, soothing it. It’s good for stomach cramps, freshens your breath, is a natural diuretic and is also used to relieve Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and colitis. Mint oil is also used to relieve pain due to hemorrhoids. Mint is easy to grow, if spaced 12 inches apart in good, rich soil.

4. Ginger

Who doesn’t use ginger in food preparation? But did you know this herb is also great for the body as a medicine? Ginger aids digestion, is a powerful anti-inflammatory, helps reduces nausea and dyspepsia and also treats viral hepatitis. Buy some ginger root at a store and plant it in a pot or tub, away from direct sunlight. Ginger grows best in a cooler climate.

5. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is used to make delicious healthful teas. This herb is also a fantastic pest repellant, skin cleanser, acne cleanser, bacteria repellant and antiviral supplement. Lemon balm belongs to the mint family, and has a strong lemony flavor that’s wonderful in a potpourri. It can be grown in well-drained soil under partial shade. It’s easy to grow this plant from seed, as long as you don’t water it too much and keep it fairly dry in winter.

6. Gooseberry

Gooseberry can be used in food, or eaten as a medicine. It makes for a great laxative, appetite stimulant, eye wash and restorative tonic. It has been used successfully to treat indigestion, anorexia, anemia, jaundice and diarrhea. It has high levels of Vitamin C; a few leaves or fruits of this plant and you don’t need Vitamin C supplements.

7. Curry Leaves

Widely used in Asian cooking, curry leaves make a fragrant seasoning. They also help tone body tissues, strengthen the stomach, and can help treat fever, liver disorders, diarrhea, dysentery and certain types of insanity. Grow this plant in well drained soil. You can plant a small sapling in a pot but you’ll have to replant it in soil as it grows bigger. Curry leaf plants can grow quite large and they need space.

8. Turmeric

This herb is used as spice, colorant and as a flavoring agent in seasonings. It has an intriguing taste that people like, apart from extensive medicinal properties, such as hypoglycemic, antiseptic, healing and anti-oxidant. Turmeric finds its use in drugs, cosmetics such as sunscreens and is also a great bio-pesticide. Most of all, turmeric protects our liver from toxic damage. Plant the rhizomes in warm soil. If you live in a cool climate, you can grow turmeric in a glasshouse.

9. Oregano

Plant the oregano seeds inside the house and take the pot outside when it’s a bit warmer. Keep the soil well drained and not too rich. Oregano needs plenty of sun. Oregano is used widely in cooking, especially as an accompaniment to tomato in pasta sauces. Oregano is chock full of vitamins, hands you an antibacterial and antioxidant punch. Oregano is also high in various minerals such as iron and manganese and fiber.

10. Parsley

Plant parsley seeds after soaking them overnight, and plant them in light, well drained soil in early spring. Parsley is known to be anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It helps improve your immune system. Parsley also contains vitamin K, which keeps bones healthy. Parsley is widely used as a seasoning, to add herbage to salads and dishes. It’s also eaten raw in some cultures.

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