Friday, November 25, 2011

Top 5 Most Common Windows Error Messages and Their Solutions

IT professionals spend much of their time looking for solutions to fix several Windows errors. We have compiled a list of five most commonly occurring Windows error messages and ways to fix them. Hope this will help you to some an extent.

1. The connection was denied

Windows 2008 and 2003 server users normally get this error, when they try to log in to remote desktop. The error message usually appeared as “The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login.”

Fix: While setting up Windows 2008 and 2003 Servers, you are required to add remote desktop users group to the same dialogue as you would on Windows Workstation. What you need to do is navigate to Control Panel and search for System. Under ‘System Properties’ you will find ‘Remote’ tab. Click on ‘users’ you want to add in the desktop users group to allow them to have smooth access to remote desktop. You can add individual users as well.

If the error persists, make certain that the Terminal Server licensing is properly configured. If it is not configured, set the licensing mode and start over the workstation.

2. There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request

When a user tries to connect one system to another, he/she often gets this error.

Fix: This can be resolved be restarting the system or reconnecting the network cables in some lucky cases. However, you can also have some success by switching Simple File Sharing off. For doing this, go to: Control Panel -> Tools -> Folder Options. After move down on the window and uncheck ‘Use Simple File Sharing’.

If the above method doesn’t work for you, make sure that the DNS is properly configured on host and server. Also, date and time should be the same on both the host and the server. Rejoining the domain can sometime also fix the problem.

3. The action can’t be completed because the file is open in Windows Explorer

This error prohibits you from deleting, moving, or copying files from Windows Explorer. The users normally get this error because the file is already running in the background.

Fix: First of all, you need to find out what program has the said file and close it. You can opt for Process Explorer v 15.05 – a free tool to see which handles and DLLs processes are running so that you can close them manually. If you don’t want to use this tool, then simply restart your system in safe-mode. This will close the file and you can easily delete it.

4. Stop error 7B
This error is normally associated with hard drives on the Windows XP. This sort of errors usually prompts users with a message saying, “a problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.” It is normally there because of a missing essential component such as the IDE controller.

Fix: If you receive this error, the first thing that you need to do is to look for components including IDE controller, the primary and secondary IDE Channel component and a disk drive component, in your configuration. In case your configuration is based on Target Analyzer .pmq file, you have to confirm that the run-time image is properly installed on your system. You can also opt for booting from the diagnostic CD (make sure that hard drive is connected).

Furthermore, you can try resetting all BIOS/CMOS settings and restart the system. Next, enter BIOS/CMOS settings and don’t forget to disable ‘boot from LAN’ option. Shift the ‘boot from CD/DVD to the top of the list, while move the ‘boot from HD’ to the bottom. Once again restart the system and install a fresh copy of Windows XP.

5. Invalid Win32 application

This error can be caused because of number of different reasons. Users normally get this error when they are trying to launch a program or file, which is corrupt, bad or missing, or designed for different version of Windows. The same error also occurs when you try to open 64-bit program on a 32-bit Windows machine.

Fix: If you receive the error while launching a downloaded file, make certain that the downloaded file is compatible with your version of Windows. Also, make sure that the downloaded file is not corrupt. Try to download it from any other available source.

If you are getting this error while clicking on a program shortcut, make certain that the program is properly installed on your system. Also, make certain that the program name doesn’t coincide with the directory name that keeps the program. You can also try installing the program in any other directory. Keep all your drivers up-to-date to prevent hardware compatibility issues.

If the problem arises because of mismatch of a 64-bit program on a 32-bit machine, then look for 32-bit program for your system.

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