Saturday, September 7, 2013

Top 10 Hackers in World

Vladimir Leonidovitch Levin is a Russian-born Jewish individual famed for his involvement in the attempt to fraudulently transfer US$10.7 million via Citibank's computers. Wikipedia
Born: Russia

Albert Gonzalez is a computer hacker and computer criminal who is accused of masterminding the combined credit card theft and subsequent reselling of more than 170 million card and ATM numbers from 2005 through 2007—the biggest such fraud in history. Gonzalez’s team used SQL injection techniques to create malware backdoors on several corporate systems in order to launch packet-sniffing (specifically, ARP Spoofing) attacks, allowing him to steal computer data from internal corporate networks

AKA Kevin Lee Poulsen
Born: 1965
Birthplace: Pasadena, CA
Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Hacker, Journalist
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Hacker and journalist
When Kevin Poulsen was 17, he used his primitive TRS-80 "color computer" to hack into the US Department of Defense's Arpanet, the predecessor of the Internet. He wasn't prosecuted. He was later a computer programmer at SRI and Sun Microsystems, and worked as a consultant testing Pentagon computer security.

Robert Tappan Morris (born November 8, 1965) is an American computer scientist, best known for creating the Morris Worm in  1988, considered the first computer Worm on the Internet and subsequently becoming the first person convicted under the Computer Fraud and Abused
He went on to co-found the online store Viaweb, one of the first web-based applications, and later the funding firm Y combinator —both with Paul Graham. He is a tenured  professor in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Masschussetts Institute of Technology.
His father was the late Robert Morris,a coauthor of UNIX and the former chief scientist at the National Computer Security Center, a division of the National Security Agency

MafiaBoy was the Internet alias of Michael Demon Calce, a high school student from West Island, Quebec, who launched a series of highly publicized denial-of-service attacks in February 2000 against large commercial websites including Yahoo!,,, Dell, Inc., E*TRADE, eBay, and CNN.[1] He also launched a series of failed simultaneous attacks against 9 of the 13 root name servers

Kevin Mitnick, the world’s most famous (former) hacker will be the keynote guest speaker at Voxeo’s Customer Summit, June 21-23 at the Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Resorts Orlando.

Kevin drew headlines and a prison sentence in the summer of 1999 related to a 2-year computer hacking spree in which he gained unauthorized access to computer systems at some of the largest corporations on the planet and penetrated some of the most resilient computer systems ever developed. Today, he has his own consulting firm, and is one of the world’s most sought out experts in exposing the vulnerabilities of complex operating systems and telecommunications devices.
Mitnick gained unauthorized access to his first computer network in 1979, at 16, when a friend gave him the phone number for the Ark, the computer system Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) used for developing their RSTS/E operating system software. He broke into DEC’s computer network and copied their software, a crime he was charged with and convicted of in 1988. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Mitnick gained unauthorized access to dozens of computer networks while he was a fugitive. He used cloned cellular phones to hide his location and, among other things, copied valuable proprietary software from some of the country’s largest cellular telephone and computer companies

George Francis Hotz (born October 2, 1989), alias geohot, is an American hacker known for unlocking the iPhone, allowing the phone to be used with other wireless carriers, contrary to AT&T and Apple's intent.[1][2] Additionally, he developed the limera1n jailbreak tool, which used his limera1n bootrom exploit. He is also noted for hacking the PlayStation 3 and subsequently being sued by and settling with Sony.

Adrian Lamo is a Colombian-American threat analyst and hacker. He used coffee shops, libraries and internet cafés as his locations for hacking. Apart from being the homeless hacker, Lamo is widely-known for breaking into a series of high-profile computer networks, which include The New York Times, Microsoft, Yahoo!, and MCI WorldCom. In 2002, he added his name to the The New York Times’ internal database of expert sources and utilized LexisNexis account to conduct research on high-profile subjects.
For his intrusion at The New York Times, Lamo was ordered to pay approximately $65,000 in damages and was sentenced to six months house arrest at his parents’ home, with an additional two years of probation. In June 2010, Lamo disclosed the name of Bradley Manning to U.S. Army authorities as the source of the July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrike video leak to Wikileaks. Lamo is presently working as a threat analyst and donates his time and skills to a Sacramento-based nonprofit organization.

In 2002, an exceptionally odd message appeared on a US Army computer screen: “Your security system is crap,” it read. “I am Solo. I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels.” It was later identified as the work of Scottish systems administrator, Gary McKinnon, who was accused of perpetrating the “biggest military computer hack of all time”. He is accused of hacking into 97 United States military and NASA computers over a 13-month period between, using the name ‘Solo’.
The US authorities claim he deleted critical files from operating systems, which shut down the United States Army’s Military District of Washington network of 2,000 computers for 24 hours. After the September 11 attacks in 2001, he deleted weapons logs at the Earle Naval Weapons Station, rendering its network of 300 computers inoperable and paralyzing munitions supply deliveries for the US Navy’s Atlantic Fleet. He is also accused of copying data, account files and passwords onto his own computer.
In November 2002, McKinnon was indicted by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia. The indictment contained seven counts of computer-related crime, each of which carried a potential ten-year jail sentence. The court had recommended that McKinnon be apprehended to the United States to face charges of illegally accessing 97 computers, causing a total of $700,000 in damage. Even more interesting are McKinnon’s motives for the large scale hackings, which he claims were in search of information on UFOs. He believed the US government was hiding such information in its military computers.

16-year-old black hat hacker Jonathan James, became the first juvenile imprisoned for cybercrime. James gained his notoriety by implementing a series of successful intrusions into various systems. In an anonymous PBS interview, he professes, “I was just looking around, playing around. What was fun for me was a challenge to see what I could pull off.”
James’ major intrusions targeted high-profile organizations such as NASA and the Department of Defense. He cracked into NASA computers, stealing software worth approximately $1.7 million. He also hacked into the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and intercepted over 3,000 highly secretive messages passing to and from the DTRA employees, while collecting many usernames and passwords.
Also known as “c0mrade,” James committed suicide using a gun, On May 18, 2008, at the age of 25. His suicide was apparently motivated by the belief that he would be prosecuted for crimes he had not committed. “I honestly, honestly had nothing to do with TJX,” James wrote in his suicide note, “I have no faith in the ‘justice’ system. Perhaps my actions today, and this letter, will send a stronger message to the public. Either way, I have lost control over this situation, and this is my only way to regain control.”

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